Privacy Policy - Live 360 Player

Information Collection

Aura Interact Private Limited may collect personal information such as name, email address, and device information to provide and improve the Live 360 Player app.

Use of Information

Personal information may be used for account creation, customer support, and to personalize the user experience. Aura Interact Private Limited does not sell or share personal information with third parties without user consent.

Data Security

Aura Interact Private Limited employs reasonable security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information.

Third-Party Services

The app may use third-party services for analytics, advertising, and other purposes. These services may collect and use information in accordance with their own privacy policies.

Children's Privacy

The Live 360 Player app is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 13. Aura Interact Private Limited does not knowingly collect personal information from children.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Aura Interact Private Limited reserves the right to update the privacy policy at any time. Users will be notified of any material changes.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding the terms and privacy policy, please contact Aura Interact Private Limited at